Leadership Pledge

Leadership Pledge


As a member of the National Political Committee, I commit to lead the organization in the establishment of a robust, rigorous socialist democratic culture. This means:

  1. I will ensure DSA’s editorial work better reflects the political development of the organization and its members since 2017. I will vote to open up the editorial positions for Socialist Forum and Democratic Left, move our platforms to be more political and agitational in nature, and invest in regular political education for the NPC.
  2. I will begin rebuilding connections to federal, state, and local electeds that have been neglected by voting to hold regular meetings with key electeds and develop an Active and engaged Socialists in Office Committee.
  3. I will improve the National Political Committee’s functions to ensure a clear, efficient, democratic process visible to membership, including increasing the frequency of full-NPC meetings and training the NPC in parliamentary procedure.
  4. I will expand the Growth and Development Committee with effective local organizers from a variety of organizing backgrounds and ensure it is used for gathering information and reporting back to the NPC and staff on the state of local organizations.
  5. I will operate with discipline and communicate compassionately by using social media, national forums, and other communication channels responsibly, and being considerate of the political implications of withdrawal from the NPC election or resignation from the body.
  6. I will partner with the staff union to produce a report on staff satisfaction and address major concerns, and hold a review of director-level staff priorities and work.
  7. I will work to improve the NPC’s relationship with chapters, creating a mechanism by which chapter leadership is regularly in contact with NPC members and other chapter leaders.
  8. I will address the major deficiencies of the current structure and function of DSA’s Grievance and Harassment Policy, including by finding a solution for Grievance work that involves eliminating the organization’s relationship with PB Work Solutions.
  9. I will commit to leading the way for our org to remain independent and member-funded even as we approach a significant budgetary crisis. I will spend no fewer than 2 hours per week on dedicated fundraising work which is strategically agreed-upon by our development/fundraising staff and the NPC body itself in order to help close our deficit and build toward a more sustainable future.


Thank you to the following 2023-2025 NPC members for signing onto the Red Star Leadership Pledge!

  • Sam Heft-Luthy, San Francisco
  • John Lewis, New Orleans
  • Megan Romer, At-Large
  • Aron Ali-McClory, YDSA NCC
  • Ahmed Husain, Denver
  • Luisa M, Portland
  • Colleen Johnston, Denver
  • Kristin Schall, At-Large
  • Renée Paradis, East Bay
  • Alex Pelitteri, NYC
  • Laura Wadlin, Portland
  • Amy Wilhelm, Seattle
  • Rashad X, Lakefront