Announcing the Red Star Satellite Program

We’re excited to announce the launch of Red Star’s 🛰️SATELLITE🛰️ program, hosted on our “Orbit” Discord server. Our Satellite program is our new vehicle for an ongoing prospective membership experience for fellow DSA members who want to join us in our work, developing and building a DSA ready to lead the working class. 

You’re probably here because you’re interested in joining us, and we’re excited to see your application. If you’re reading this, those applications are open now! We will accept candidates into the Satellite program on a rolling basis depending on space and priority and then as prospective new members are accepted, open up more space. This is a new project for us, so please be patient as we spin up the Satellite!

How Do I Join the Satellite program?

First, you’ll want to fill out this application. Once you have completed it, a member will be in touch with next steps, which typically involve scheduling an interview between you and two members of the caucus. Prospective candidates are then sorted for invitation into Satellite. Space is limited, so not all candidates may be immediately accepted into Satellite, and not everyone will qualify for invitation. We’re happy to provide feedback to applicants if requested. 

What Happens Next?

Satellite members will participate in political education led by Red Star and its members such as reading groups with Red Star members on our core texts, have the opportunity to present and educate fellow Satellite and Red Star members on key texts of their own interest, and engage in developmental conversations and mentoring from Red Star members. You’ll be able to spend time with some of the most active and engaged members in DSA across the country, exploring the issues that affect you, your chapter, and DSA as a whole. 

What Does Red Star Look for in Prospective New Members?

Applicants should be aware that we expect most applicants to have been in DSA for some period of time before applying, and we highly value leadership within DSA in qualified applicants. We also appreciate applicants with a strong vision for DSA, those who are well-versed in scientific socialism, are effective at communication, and, of course, are aligned with our Points of Unity. We don’t expect anyone to have all these qualities from the application alone though, which is why we want to spend time with applicants getting to know them through Satellite. 

Why This Model?

In Red Star we placed a very high value on our democratic, deliberative decision-making and internal alignment: we believe that emphasis has carried us into leadership within DSA. We want you, as a prospective new member, to have an inside look and feel as to what the caucus is like before admission, and so you can be assured that Red Star is the right fit for you. We also believe that through spreading our good work, we can positively influence DSA, and we want you to be a part of that, whether you end up joining Red Star or not. 

Who Can Participate?

Only DSA members in good standing are eligible for admittance to Red Star. If you are interested in just participating in the Satellite program without applying, we may allow participants on a case-by-case basis but we prioritize applicants and DSA members first. 

If you have any other questions, reach out to redstarmembership AT gmail dot com and one our membership committee members will be in contact shortly.